Saturday, 9 November 2019


This was a poem I don't remember the origin behind. I was somewhat fixated on the idea and I decided to work on it. 
I was hoping to finish this before I turned 25, y'know as a final achievement of this last year I've lived, and I don't know if I've succeeded or not. It's tomorrow in India, as I publish this, but it's today in the UK, where I am currently.

Either way.

A lot of us have had days where we feel a cold that seeps into us, and sometimes have found it difficult to reignite the fire and drive away the cold. Sometimes that fire can start from something as small as a single ember. Sometimes that warmth can come from another as well as from within, as we all blaze our path forward.

Hope you enjoy the poem. :)
As usual, let me know what you think. :)

Lying there with an arm outstretched,
Reaching for stars, unmoving and etched,
So far away, from this world of grey,
As eyes grow dull, and thoughts betray.
We lie in pain, though no cut or bruise,
The roaring falls quiet, but the peace, a ruse.
To days' light, we say goodbye,
As a wind grows awake and dances along,
With stars and dust to a madman's song,
On moonlit night with swirling sky. 
A small light comes alive tonight,
Almost invisible in this darkest blight. 
Pulsing stronger with every beat of my heart,
Burning brighter than any darkness inside,
Limbs uncurl, we prise them apart,
And we blaze forward, we do not hide. 
A beat in steps, on this path I take,
A song is played to swallow the ache. 
I burn as fire, no longer an ember.
The blight before, we still remember,
Not to hold, but to guide the fire,
To give hope to those who tire,
And warmth to those in the throes of cold.
A song in colours of red and gold,
In shapes and crackles, it flows along,
Calling to the warmth, the weary and anxious,
To invigorate and protect, we cast an aegis,
Singing for all, my Embersong. 

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