Saturday, 13 April 2019


We've all had days which felt like a long drawn out battle, and who's nights felt like the end of a decade, instead of a single day.
And this is a universal experience. 
Life is a daily battle, and the lullaby can guide the minds to a place of peace where they may rest before the next day begins. 

Let me know what you guys think. :)
Enjoy. :D


Running thoughts and noise abound,
With these we spend our waking days.
To senses, a storm of inputs surround,
As we walk about in a sunlit daze.
To break from task, we travel far,
To the land of sleep, as hearts do slow.
The movies play, of dreams bizarre,
We find new worlds of a realistic faux.
Though I must go to this land of sleep,
It will not be easy or with peace.
So sing me softly to the path so deep,
My Valkyrie, so this day may cease.